Another quiz night at Poplar that tested the skills and knowledge of club members and friends.

When did Margaret Thatcher step down as prime minister, in which year did the Cold War start and when did Bohemian Rhapsody get to number 1 in the UK charts? Can you guess from photos of poos who did it and recognise men by a photo of just their moustaches? Do you know the national sport of Latvia and Sri Lanka, and finally can you draw a horse with your non-dominant hand? Well, that’s what it takes to win at Poplar.

Seven teams competed for glory trying, to answer the questions put forward by Harry. After seven rounds ‘Don’t rock the boat’ was the clear winner.

Thanks to Harry and Vicky for organising the event and bringing many club members and friends together. Keep an eye on the events page for the next Quiz Night at Poplar!

PS: Margaret Thatcher stepped down in 1990, the Cold War started in 1947 and Bohemian Rhapsody got to number 1 in 1975 and 1991.