It was a sunny day with perfect water for the the inaugural Four Seasons event. About 20 club members turned up to race on a flood tide from the club to the Blue Bridge and back.

The first challenge was to get everyone on the water and into their starting position, not unlike herding cats. However, once the first couple of scullers had been sent on their way the race finally kicked into life, as club members tried to overtake each other, while at the same time navigating the washes caused by shipping traffic.

As the scullers approached the Blue Bridge the gaps between many of them had narrowed and turning became more of a challenge that kept Ron in the safety launch amused.

Racing back on the flood tide tested everyones pacing and stamina.  Nearly everyone got overtaken by Nathan, who set the benchmark with time of 18m:25s, only a coxed four managed to stay ahead of him by a few seconds.

Back at the club the results were put up and provided much food for discussions.

This event wouldn’t have been possible without the help of many. Special thanks to Ian for coming up with the idea and organising it, Chris and Nick for timing the race, and Ron & Szabi in the safety launches for looking after everyone.

For more information about the event and the results visit the Four Seasons Ladder page.